Léo Delibes

Léo Delibes

  • February 21, 1836 La Flèche (France) - January 16, 1891 Paris (France)

All videos related to Léo Delibes (5)

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Delibes's Lakmé
Delibes's Lakmé

Opéra Royal de Wallonie

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Giselle, Les Sylphides, and Coppélia, three of the greatest ballets
Giselle, Les Sylphides, and Coppélia, three of the greatest ballets

With Rudolf Nureyev, Nadia Nerina, and Margot F...

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Francesco Libetta performs works by Strauss, Liszt and Saint-Saëns
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Coppélia by Maguy Marin, music by Delibes