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concert Christoph Eschenbach conducts Mahler's Symphony No. 4 – With Ying Fang Verbier Festival 2018

Verbier Festival 2018

Christoph Eschenbach conducts Mahler's Symphony No. 4 – With Ying Fang Verbier Festival 2018


A concert dedicated to childhood memories with Mahler's Fourth Symphony performed by Ying Fang and the Verbier Festival Orchestra under the direction of Christoph Eschenbach.

"Imagine the undifferentiated blue of the sky, a blue that is more difficult to capture than all the changing and contrasting shades. This is the fundamental tone of the whole. Only occasionally does it become dark and ghostly horrible: but it's not the sky itself that darkens. For us alone does it become suddenly ghastly, just as one is often overtaken with an attack of panic on the most beautiful day in a light-filled forest." — Mahler

Photo: Ying Fang © Aline Paley

Associated event

Verbier Festival

Verbier Festival


  • Ying Fang | Soprano


  • Gustav Mahler, Symphony No. 4 in G Major
    • 1. Bedächtig. Nicht eilen
    • 2. In gemächlicher Bewegung. Ohne Hast
    • 3. Ruhevoll, poco adagio
    • 4. Sehr behaglich


  • Directed by:
    • Julien Condemine
  • Venue: Salle des Combins (Verbier, Switzerland)
  • Production date: 2018
  • Duration: 58 min
  • Production: © Idéale Audience with the participation of medici.tv
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