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concert The Collectif G performs a program of contemporary music Festival Singer-Polignac 2024

Festival Singer-Polignac 2024

The Collectif G performs a program of contemporary music Festival Singer-Polignac 2024


Don't miss a singular spectacle from the 2024 Festival Singer-Polignac in Paris full of boldly contemporary music! Amid the Fondation's enchanting decor, pianists Maroussia Gentet and Matvey Zheleznyakov of Collectif G team up for a dreamy and poetic program featuring a brand-new special commission by Franco-Iranian composer Farnaz Modarresifar, as well as selections by 20th- and 21st-century figures Philippe Schoeller, Marco Stroppa, George Crumb, and Luciano Berio.

Photo © Martín Noda


  • Collectif G
  • Maroussia Gentet | Pianist
  • Matvey Zheleznyakov | Pianist


  • Philippe Schoeller, Le Corbeau
  • Marco Stroppa, Le Marteau fantôme
  • Philippe Hersant, Onze haïkus
    • La Libellule
    • L'Automne à Suma
    • Le Nuage immobile
    • L'Oiseau dans la nasse
    • La Souris sur le Koto
    • Tempête d'hiver
  • Philippe Schoeller, Le Serpent
  • George Crumb, Celestial Mechanics (Makrokosmos IV)
    • 1. Alpha Centauri
  • Farnaz Modarresifar, Balades oniriques (extracts)
  • Matvey Zheleznyakov, Choral
  • Luciano Berio, Touch
  • George Crumb, Celestial Mechanics (Makrokosmos IV)
    • 3. Gamma Draconis
  • Mauricio Kagel, Der Eid des Hippokrates
  • Philippe Schoeller, Rouge silence for two pianists in a staging with two chairs


  • Venue: Fondation Singer-Polignac (Paris, France)
  • Production date: 2024
  • Duration: 1 h 00 min
  • Production: © Fondation Singer-Polignac
Why stop there? The rest of this incredible video is available for free for our guests!

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