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concert Sir Simon Rattle conducts Knussen, Turnage, and Britten — With Lucy Crowe, Allan Clayton, and Richard Watkins London Symphony Orchestra

London Symphony Orchestra

Sir Simon Rattle conducts Knussen, Turnage, and Britten — With Lucy Crowe, Allan Clayton, and Richard Watkins London Symphony Orchestra


Experience a profound musical lineage with the London Symphony Orchestra, expertly conducted by the great Sir Simon Rattle! Oliver Knussen's Songs and A Sea Interlude, adapted from his opera Where the Wild Things Are (lyrics by Maurice Sendak!), starts the concert in style with the incredible talents of soprano Lucy Crowe. The homage to Knussen, who sadly passed away in the summer of 2018, continues with a world premiere dedicated to his memory: the poignant Last Song for Olly by Mark-Anthony Turnage, whose first composition teacher was Knussen. Finally, the evening ends with a great classic of British music, featuring tenor Allan Clayton and Richard Watkins on French horn: the Serenade for Tenor, Horn and Strings by Benjamin Britten, himself a former mentor to the late Knussen.


  • Allan Clayton | Tenor
  • Richard Watkins | Hornist


  • Oliver Knussen, Where the Wild Things Are
    • Songs and a Sea Interlude
  • Mark-Anthony Turnage, Last Song for Olly
  • Benjamin Britten, Serenade for tenor, Horn and Strings, Op. 31
    • 1. Prologue
    • 2. Pastoral
    • 3. Nocturne
    • 4. Elegy
    • 5. Dirge
    • 6. Hymn
    • 7. Sonnet
    • 8. Epilogue


  • Venue: LSO St Luke's (London, Great Britain)
  • Production date: 2020
  • Duration: 1 h 11 min
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