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concert Vincenzo Milletarì conducts Verdi's Falstaff — With Milan Siljanov, Minki Hong, Felicitas Wrede … Verbier Festival 2024

Verbier Festival 2024

Vincenzo Milletarì conducts Verdi's Falstaff — With Milan Siljanov, Minki Hong, Felicitas Wrede … Verbier Festival 2024


Maestro Vincenzo Milletarì leads a concert production of Verdi's final operatic masterpiece, Falstaff, with the Verbier Festival Junior Orchestra and talented young vocalists from the festival's Atelier Lyrique! This opera buffa in three acts, inspired by Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor and Henry IV, follows the adventures and misadventures of the knight Jon Falstaff (played by bass-baritone Milan Siljanov). To pay off his debts, Falstaff attempts to seduce and swindle two wealthy women in the town of Windsor, Alice Ford and Meg Page — but the ladies, wise to his machinations, decide to set a trap of their own… The master of Italian opera concludes his career on a note of joy and levity in this perennially delightful comedy, in which "all the world's a farce."

Photo: Milan Siljanov © Sven Germann

medici.tv’s studio features and broadcasts from the 2024 Verbier Festival are produced with the support of Madame Aline Foriel-Destezet.

Associated event

Verbier Festival

Verbier Festival


  • Milan Siljanov | Sir John Falstaff
  • Felicitas Wrede | Alice Ford
  • Fleuranne Brockway | Meg Page
  • Luna Seongeun Park | Nannetta
  • Chelsea Laggan | Mistress Quickly
  • Minki Hong | Ford
  • Dafydd Jones | Fenton
  • Adam Catangui | Dr Caius
  • Mark Kurmanbayev | Pistola
  • Wu Fei | Bardolfo
  • Vincenzo Milletarì | Conductor


  • Giuseppe Verdi, Falstaff
    • I, 1: "Falstaff!"
    • I, 1: Ssss. "Sei polli: sei scellini"
    • I, 1: "So che se andiam"
    • I, 1: "V'è noto un tal"
    • I, 1: "L'Onore! Ladri!"
    • I, 1: "Ma, per tornare a voi"
    • I, 2: "Alice, Meg"
    • I, 2: "Fulgida Alice! Amor t'offro"
    • I, 2: "È un ribaldo, un furbo, un ladro"
    • I, 2: "Pst, pst, Nanetta"
    • I, 2: "Falstaff m'ha canzonetta"
    • I, 2: "Torno all'assalto"
    • I, 2: "Udrai quanta eglie sfoggia"
    • I, 2: "Del tuo barbaro diagnostico"
    • I, 2: "Qui più non si vagoli"
    • II, 1: "Siam pentiti e contriti"
    • II, 1: "Alice è mia!"
    • II, 1: "Padron; di là c'è un certo Maestro Fontana"
    • II, 1: "Signore, v'assista il cielo!"
    • II, 1: "Io l'amo e lei non m'ama"
    • II, 1: "Il diavolo se lo porti all'inferno"
    • II, 1: "È sogno? o realtà?"
    • II, 1: "Eccomi qua"
    • II, 2: "Presenteremo un bill, per una tassa"
    • II, 2: "Giunta all'Albergo della Giarrettiera"
    • II, 2: "Nannetta, e tu non ridi?"
    • II, 2: "Gaie comari di Windsor!"
    • II, 2: "Alfin t'ho colto"
    • II, 2: "Quand'ero paggio"
    • II, 2: "Mia signora!"
    • II, 2: "Il diavolo cavalca"
    • II, 2: "Vien qua"
    • II, 2: "Al ladro!"
    • II, 2: "Se t'agguanto!"
    • II, 2: "Ned! Will! Tom! Isaac!"
    • III, 1: "Ehi! Taverniere!"
    • III, 1: "Reverenza."
    • III, 1: "Legge"
    • III, 1: "Quando il rintocco"
    • III, 1: "Provvedi le lanterne"
    • III, 2: "Dal labbro il canto"
    • III, 2: "Nossignore!"
    • III, 2: "Una, due, tre, quattro"
    • III, 2: "Odo un soave passo!"
    • III, 2: "Ninfe! Elfi! Silfi!"
    • III, 2: "Alto là! - Chi va là?"
    • III, 2: "Naso vermiglio!"
    • III, 2: "Cavaliero - Reverenza"
    • III, 2: "Ogni sorta di gente dozzinale"
    • III, 2: "Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"
    • III, 2: "Tutto nel mondo è burla"


  • Venue: Salle des Combins (Verbier, Switzerland)
  • Broadcast date: Aug. 4, 2024, 2 p.m.
  • Production date: 2024
  • Replay available until: November 3, 2024
  • Duration: 2 h 07 min
  • Production: © Heliox Films
Why stop there? The rest of this incredible video is available for free for our guests!

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