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opera Bellini's I Capuleti e i Montecchi Allex Aguilera (stage director), Maurizio Benini (conductor) — With Rosa Feola (Giulietta), Raffaella Lupinacci (Romeo), Roberto Lorenzi (Capellio) …

Allex Aguilera (stage director), Maurizio Benini (conductor) — With Rosa Feola (Giulietta), Raffaella Lupinacci (Romeo), Roberto Lorenzi (Capellio) …

Bellini's I Capuleti e i Montecchi Allex Aguilera (stage director), Maurizio Benini (conductor) — With Rosa Feola (Giulietta), Raffaella Lupinacci (Romeo), Roberto Lorenzi (Capellio) …


In this new production from the prestigious Opéra Royal de Wallonie-Liège, meet the star-crossed lovers like you haven't seen them before! After the failure of his opera Zaira in 1829, bel canto master Vincenzo Bellini found himself in need of a critical and popular success to restore his good name. With just six weeks before the Carnival season at Venice's famed La Fenice in 1830, he set about creating a new opera (with repurposed music from Zaira) based on Romeo and Juliet — not the Shakespeare play, but the Italian novella from 1554 that had inspired the Bard, with more than a few differences in plot — and found international renown once again with I Capuleti e i Montecchi!

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  • Allex Aguilera | Stage director, Set designer
  • Françoise Raybaud | Costumes
  • Luis Perdiguero | Lighting
  • Arnaud Pottier | Video
  • Rosa Feola | Giulietta
  • Raffaella Lupinacci | Romeo
  • Roberto Lorenzi | Capellio
  • Maxim Mironov | Tebaldo
  • Adolfo Corrado | Lorenzo
  • Chorus of the Opéra Royal de Wallonie-Liège
  • Orchestra of the Opéra Royal de Wallonie-Liège
  • Maurizio Benini | Conductor


  • Vincenzo Bellini, I Capuleti e i Montecchi
    • Overture
    • I, 1: "Aggiorna appena ed eccoci" (Chorus)
    • I, 1: "O di Capellio, generosi amici" (Tebaldo, Capellio, Lorenzo, Chorus)
    • I, 1: "È serbato a questo acciaro" (Tebaldo)
    • I, 1: "Sì: m'abbraccia" (Capellio, Lorenzo, Tebaldo, Chorus)
    • I, 1: "L'amo tanto, e m'è sì cara" (Tebaldo, Capellio, Lorenzo, Chorus)
    • I, 1: "Vanne Lorenzo; e tu, che il puoi" (Capellio, Tebaldo, Chorus)
    • I, 1: "Lieto del dolce incarco" (Romeo, Tebaldo, Capellio, Chorus)
    • I, 1: "Ascolta, se Romeo t'uccise un figlio" (Romeo)
    • I, 1: "Riedi al campo" (Capellio, Romeo, Tebaldo, Chorus)
    • I, 1: "La tremenda ultrice spada" (Romeo, Capellio, Tebaldo, Chorus)
    • I, 2: "Eccomi in lieta vesta" (Giulietta)
    • I, 2: "Oh! Quante volte" (Giulietta)
    • I, 2: "Propizia è l'ora" (Lorenzo, Giulietta, Romeo)
    • I, 2: "Sì, fuggire: a noi non resta" (Romeo)
    • I, 2: "Ah! Crudel, d'onor ragioni" (Romeo, Guilietta)
    • I, 2: "Odi tu? L'altar funesto" (Romeo, Giulietta)
    • I, 2: "Vieni, ah! Vieni, e in me riposa" (Romeo, Giulietta)
    • I, 3: "Lieta notte, avventurosa" (Chorus)
    • I, 3: "Deh! Per pietà, t'arresta" (Lorenzo, Romeo, Chorus)
    • I, 3: "Tace il fragor silenzio" (Giulietta, Romeo, Capellio)
    • I, 3: "Che miro?" (Tebaldo, Lorenzo, Giulietta, Romeo, Capellio)
    • I, 3: "Soccorso, sostegno accordagli" (Giulietta, Romeo, Tebaldo, Capellio, Lorenzo)
    • I, 3: "Accorriam Romeo!" (Tebaldo, Capellio, Romeo, Giulietta, Lorenzo, Chorus)
    • II, 1: "Né alcun ritorna!" (Giulietta, Lorenzo)
    • II, 1: "Morte io non temo il sai" (Giulietta, Lorenzo)
    • II, 1: "Prendi, gl'istanti volano" (Lorenzo, Giulietta, Capellio, Chorus)
    • II, 1: "Deh! Padre mio" (Giulietta, Capellio, Lorenzo, Chorus)
    • II, 2: "Deserto è il luogo" (Romeo)
    • II, 2: "Chi sei tu" (Tebaldo, Romeo, Chorus)
    • II, 2: "Qua' voci! Oh Dio!" (Romeo, Tebaldo, Chorus)
    • II, 2: "Ella è morta, o sciagurato" (Romeo, Tebaldo)
    • II, 3: "Siam giunti" (Chorus)
    • II, 3: "Ecco la tomba" (Romeo)
    • II, 3: "Tu sola, o mia Giulietta" (Romeo)
    • II, 3: "O tu, mia sola speme" (Romeo, Giulietta)
    • II, 3: "Ah! Crudel! Che mai facesti?" (Giulietta, Romeo, Capellio, Lorenzo, Chorus)


  • Venue: Opéra Royal de Wallonie-Liège (Liège, Belgium)
  • Broadcast date: June 29, 2024, 8 p.m.
  • Production date: 2024
  • Replay available until: June 30, 2029
  • Duration: 2 h 24 min
  • Production: © Oxymore
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