Tenor Week (4)

Some voices are so unique and so memorable that we could recognize them even in a noisy crowd. The stately and stentorian, mellifluous and moving timbre of the legendary tenor Enrico Caruso is one of them—recorded over a century ago but preserved thanks to early recording technology. To mark the 150th birthday of the man behind this extraordinary voice, check out a fascinating documentary dedicated to Caruso—and then explore a selection of vocal recitals by the talented tenors who carry on his legacy of excellence.
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Jonas Kaufmann canta «Dolce Vita»
Jonas Kaufmann canta «Dolce Vita»

En vivo desde el Waldbühne Berlin

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Peter Mann canta los Lieder de Beethoven
Peter Mann canta los Lieder de Beethoven

Festhalle de Bad Urach

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El concierto legendario de los Tres Tenores: José Carreras, Plácido Domingo y Luciano Pavarotti — Con Zubin Mehta
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Rolando Villazón: Una noche en Berlín
Rolando Villazón: Una noche en Berlín

Südwestdeutsche Kammerphilharmonie Konstanz
