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Próximamente | 2024-10-26 18:00:00+00:00 |

concierto Thomas Adès, Augustin Hadelich, Inon Barnatan, and more perform Ysaÿe, Saint-Saëns, Butler, Adès, Ravel, and Schubert "Danse Macabre" at La Jolla Music Society

"Danse Macabre" at La Jolla Music Society

Thomas Adès, Augustin Hadelich, Inon Barnatan, and more perform Ysaÿe, Saint-Saëns, Butler, Adès, Ravel, and Schubert "Danse Macabre" at La Jolla Music Society

En breve...

A macabre mélange with an exceptional cast of artists comes to you from La Jolla Summerfest 2024 centered around a feverish performance of Saint-Saëns's Danse Macabre by violin virtuoso Augustin Hadelich and piano star Inon Barnatan! Hadelich also performs Ysaÿe's "Obsession" Violin Sonata No. 2, a clever pastiche whose reworking of Bach's E-major Partita is haunted by a persistent "Dies irae" motif; and Barnatan returns to perform the piano part in Martin Butler's Dirty Beasts, a mischievous triptych inspired by the works of Roald Dahl, as well as the two-piano arrangement of Ravel's La Valse with the great Thomas Adès — whose own Catch stages the musical pursuit of a clarinet by a violin, cello, and piano. The program closes with Schubert's "Death and the Maiden" Quartet, one of the pinnacles of chamber music that ends with a Danse Macabre of its own, a relentlessly driving tarantella that briefly seems to promise a major-key conclusion before the ineluctable return of D minor.

Photo © Marco Borggreve


  • Inon Barnatan | Pianista
  • Rose Lombardo | Flautista, Flauta pícolo
  • Nicholas Daniel | Oboísta
  • Mark Simpson | Clarinetista, Clarinetista bajo
  • Eleni Katz | Fagotista
  • Jennifer Montone | Cornista
  • Danny Burstein | Actor
  • Mark Simpson | Clarinetista
  • Alexi Kenney | Violinista
  • Jay Campbell | Violonchelista
  • Thomas Adès | Pianista
  • Andrew Wan | Violinista
  • Tessa Lark | Violinista
  • Teng Li | Violista
  • Jonathan Swensen | Violonchelista


  • Eugène Ysaÿe, Sonata para violín solo en la menor, op. 27 n.° 2 «a Jacques Thibaud»
    • 1. Obsession. Prélude
  • Camille Saint-Saëns, Danza macabra, op. 40
  • Martin Butler, Dirty Beasts
    • 1. The Pig
    • 2. The Tummy Beast
    • 3. The Crocodile
  • Thomas Adès, Catch
  • Maurice Ravel, La valse (versión para dos pianos)
  • Franz Schubert, Cuarteto para cuerdas n.° 14 en re menor, D. 810, «La muerte y la doncella»
    • 1. Allegro
    • 2. Andante con moto
    • 3. Scherzo: Allegro molto
    • 4. Presto


  • Sede: The Baker-Baum Concert Hall (La Jolla, Estados Unidos)
  • Año de producción: 2024
  • Producción: © La Jolla Music Society

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