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jazz Amaury Faye Trio Live in Vienna, France Jazz à Vienne 2017

Jazz à Vienne 2017

Amaury Faye Trio Live in Vienna, France Jazz à Vienne 2017

En breve...

Amaury Faye is a pianist at the helm of a new generation of French jazz musicians. In his mid-20s at the time of this 2017 concert at the Jazz a Vienne festival, he was already leading up a trio and thereby taking on the noble tradition of the piano-drums-bass format, which is notorious for leaving no space to hide. Just a few weeks before, the trio had released their debut album, Clearway, which won the Best Newcomer award in the French publication Jazz Magazine. With the stage set, it was Faye’s opportunity to hail the arrival of a new voice in acoustic jazz and he did just that. 

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  • Amaury Faye | Director musical , Pianista
  • Louis Navarro | Contrabajista
  • Théo Lanau | Baterista


  • Amaury Faye / Cy Coleman / Carolyn Leigh, Witchcraft
  • Amaury Faye, Vence
  • Amaury Faye, Sunday Morning Blues
  • Amaury Faye, Journey to the East Coast


  • Dirigido por
    • Nicolas Micha
  • Sede: Jazz à Vienne (Vienne, Francia)
  • Año de producción: 2017
  • Fecha de grabación: 2017
  • Duración: 30 min
  • Producción: © Séquence
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