Антонин Дворжак

Антонин Дворжак

  • 8 сентября 1841 г. Нелагозевес - 1 мая 1904 г. Прага


Antonín Dvořák, from Prague to New York

The composer of the New World Symphony, Antonín Dvořák, was a gifted child. He made a difficult start; his father rejected his vocation, money was scarce, his violin tuition was bad and he played in a second-rate orchestra. Despite all, he was a passionate student who would not give up on his music. He was to have a brilliant career successively as an instrumentalist in the Prague Orchestra, Director of the New York Conservatory and above all as one of the most prominent composers, highly acclaimed by the Austrian emperor.

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Антонин Дворжак, все видео (91)

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