Артур Рубинштейн

Артур Рубинштейн

  • 28 января 1887 г. Lodz (Poland) - 20 декабря 1982 г. Geneva (Switzerland)


One of the greatest pianists of the 20th century, Rubinstein was gifted enough to recognize the technical shortcomings of his extrovert, youthful playing, and to re-learn his repertoire in mid-life, adding control and discipline to the natural flair that had made his reputation. Linked to the 19th-century Romantics through his champion Joseph Joachim, he nevertheless established a modern, clean-cut and unaffected style of pianism, while, in the music of Brahms and Chopin in particular, retaining a warmth of tone and manner. As well as his solo appearances, he gave frequent chamber music recitals and continued to perform in public until the age of nearly ninety.

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Артур Рубинштейн, все видео (4)

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