Елизавета Леонская

Елизавета Леонская

  • 23 ноября 1945 г. Tbilisi, Georgia


A french journalist wrote "La dernière grande Dame de l´École Soviétique", a Spanish critic named her "Anti-Diva". Both are right.

For decades now, Elisabeth Leonskaja has been among the most celebrated pianists of our time. In a world dominated by the media, Elisabeth Leonskaja has remained true to herself and to her music, and in doing so, is following in the footsteps of the great Russian musicians of the Soviet era, such as David Oistrakh, Sviatoslav Richter and Emil Gilels, who never wavered in their focus on the quintessence of music despite working in a very difficult political environment. Her almost legendary modesty still makes her somewhat media-shy today. Yet as soon as she walks out on the stage, audiences can sense the force behind the fact that music is and always has been her life's work.

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Елизавета Леонская, все видео (5)

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