Юлиан Рахлин

Юлиан Рахлин

  • 8 декабря 1974 г. Vilnius (Lithuania)


Julian Rachlin is one of the most exciting and respected violinists of our time. For the last 23 years, he has been captivating audiences around the world with his distinctively rich sound, superb musicianship and outstanding interpretations. He has established close relationships with many of the most prestigious conductors and orchestras. Always willing to expend his musical horizons, Julian is also praised as a viola player and, most recently, as a conductor. This year marks the 11th anniversary of the internationally renowned “Julian Rachlin & Friends” festival held annually in Dubrovnik, Croatia, a platform for creative and vibrant projects with today’s leading musicians and actors. Besides delighting his audiences with his musical performances, Julian is also receiving recognition as a young philanthropist for his charity work as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and his educational outreach.

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Юлиан Рахлин, все видео (5)

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