Марсело Рауль Альварес

Марсело Рауль Альварес

  • 27 февраля 1962 г. Cordoba


Marcelo Raúl Álvarez, one of the most important tenors of the world, was born in Córdoba, Argentina in 1962

At the age of five he was enrolled in the Escuela de Niños Cantores de Córdoba, where he studied music until he was 17 and got his diploma as a “choir master and music teacher”. Afterwards, he completely abandoned his musical studies, till the age of 30, when he started studying opera singing.

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Марсело Рауль Альварес, все видео (1)

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С Кристиной Шефер, Миреллой Френи, Марсело Раул...
