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балет Play by Alexander Ekman, music by Mikael Karlsson Stéphane Bullion, Muriel Zusperreguy, Vincent Chaillet — Paris Opera Ballet

Stéphane Bullion, Muriel Zusperreguy, Vincent Chaillet — Paris Opera Ballet

Play by Alexander Ekman, music by Mikael Karlsson Stéphane Bullion, Muriel Zusperreguy, Vincent Chaillet — Paris Opera Ballet

В нескольких словах

Dive into the childhood dreams of star choreographer Alexander Ekman in this production at the Paris Opera, filmed under the Chagall dome in the Palais Garnier. The dancers of the Paris Opera Ballet and a trio of formidable soloists—Stéphane Bullion, Muriel Zusperreguy and Vincent Chaillet—navigate Ekman’s playful dream-like scene, worried yet joyous, gentle yet cruel.

“Let’s say that we are like scientists: we develop these ideas of play in the laboratory.” And play indeed they do: with ropes, balls, ribbons, cages and an abundance of accessories, the dancers take playfulness to new heights and astonishing scales.

Photo © Anne Deniau

С участием

  • Александр Экман | Хореограф, Художник по декорациям, Художник по костюмам
  • Xavier Ronze | Художник по костюмам
  • Tom Visser | Художник по свету
  • Ana Maria Lucaciu | Ассистент хореографа
  • Carina Nildalen | Драматургия
  • Claire Puyenchet | Ассистент сценографиста
  • Calesta Day | Певица
  • Frédéric Vaysse-Knitter | Пианист
  • Amanda Favier | Скрипачка
  • Pauline Fritsch | Скрипачка
  • Benoit Marin | Альтист
  • Eric Villeminey | Виолончелист
  • François Gavelle | Контрабасист
  • Christian Wirth | Soprano/saxophonist
  • Etrillard Géraud | Alto saxophonist
  • Adrien Lajoumard | Tenor/saxophonist
  • Pascal Bonnet | Baritone saxophonist
  • Adélaïde Ferrière | Drummer


  • Mikael Karlsson, Play
    • Overture
    • Together
    • Tableaux
    • With Reckless Abandon
    • Overture Act 2
    • The Universe is Basically Playful
    • This Is How I'm Telling It Now
    • Shimmers
    • Years and Years


  • Режиссёр
    • Томми Паскаль
  • Место: Опера Гарнье (Париж, Франция)
  • Год выхода: 2018
  • Продолжительность: 1 h 45 min
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