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концерт Daniel Barenboim conducts Verdi and Wagner — With Plácido Domingo A Gala Night with the Staatskapelle Berlin

A Gala Night with the Staatskapelle Berlin

Daniel Barenboim conducts Verdi and Wagner — With Plácido Domingo A Gala Night with the Staatskapelle Berlin

В нескольких словах

In this extraordinary 1993 gala evening at the Berlin State Opera, the Staatskapelle Berlin and its Music Director (and conductor for life!) Daniel Barenboim invited a host of illustrious soloists to join them in an irresistible program dedicated to two of the biggest names in opera: Wagner and Verdi! The concert opens with excerpts from four of Verdi's major works, featuring one of the foremost experts in the composer's repertoire, Plácido Domingo: the Overture to the Sicilian Vespers, the aria "Ah! Sì, ben moi" from Il Trovatore, the Prelude to Act II and "Lunga da lei" from La Traviata, and — a highlight of the evening — the ballet music and aria "Niun mi tema" from Act IV of Otello, a role that Domingo has sung many times (with more performances recorded on film than any other artist). But the pièce de résistance of this concert is a legendary performance of Act I of Die Walküre, the second part of Wagner's Ring, featuring American soprano Deborah Polaski, a remarkable interpreter of Wagner, and the legendary British bass Sir John Tomlinson.

С участием


  • Джузеппе Верди, I Vespri Siciliani
    • Увертюра
  • Джузеппе Верди, «Трубадур»
    • III, 2: Scena ed Aria : "Ah! Sì, ben mio"
  • Джузеппе Верди, «Травиата»
    • III: Preludio
    • II, 1: "Lunga da lei"
  • Джузеппе Верди, «Отелло»
    • Ballet music
    • IV: "Niun mi tema"
  • Рихард Вагнер, «Кольцо нибелунга»: «Валькирия»
    • I - Orchestral Prelude
    • I, 1 - "Wes Herd dies auch sei"
    • I, 1 "- Kühlende Labung gab mir der Quell"
    • I, 2 - "Müd am Herd fand ich den Mann"
    • I, 2 - "Friedmund darf ich nicht heißen"
    • I, 2 - "Aus dem Wald trieb es mir fort"
    • I, 2 - "Ich weiß ein wildes Geschlecht"
    • I, 3 - "Ein Schwert verhieß mir der Vater"
    • I, 3 - "Schläfst du, Gast?"
    • I, 3 - "Winterstürme wichen dem Wonnemond"
    • I, 3 - "Du bist der Lenz, nach dem ich verlangte"
    • I, 3 - "Wehwalt heißt du fürwahr?"


  • Режиссёр
    • Янош Дарваш
  • Место: Берлинская государственная опера (Берлин, Германия)
  • Год выхода: 1993
  • Продолжительность: 1 h 45 min
  • Компания: © Senders Freies Berlin / Metropolitan München
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