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концерт Le Concert de la Loge plays Vivaldi - With Julien Chauvin and Emőke Baráth "Il Teatro" - Arias and concertos by Antonio Vivaldi

"Il Teatro" - Arias and concertos by Antonio Vivaldi

Le Concert de la Loge plays Vivaldi - With Julien Chauvin and Emőke Baráth "Il Teatro" - Arias and concertos by Antonio Vivaldi

В нескольких словах

Re-established in 2015, Le concert de la loge (originally named Le concert de la loge Olympique) was first founded in 1783 by the Comte D’Ogny and is considered to be one of Europe’s finest period ensembles. From commissioning the Paris symphonies by Haydn to performing repertoire from the early 20th century, this orchestra maintains a busy touring and recording schedule calling them to the four corners of the world. 

This concert, titled Il teatro, is centered around the composer Antonio Vivaldi and features some of the composer’s most thrilling instrumental works and sparkling arias. Led by Julien Chauvin, the orchestra performs, together with the coloratura soprano Emöke Baráth, Vivaldi’s most dramatic concertos and demanding operatic arias in an innovative programme designed to recreate the spontaneity of the 18th century soirée. 

С участием

  • Le Concert de la Loge


  • Антонио Вивальди, L'Olimpiade, RV 725
    • Overture: 1. Allegro
  • Антонио Вивальди, Violin Concerto in B minor RV 387
    • I. Allegro
  • Антонио Вивальди, Violin Concerto in D major RV 217
    • II. Largo
  • Антонио Вивальди, Atenaida, RV 702
    • "Della rubella"
  • Антонио Вивальди, Violin Concerto in G minor RV 321
    • I. Ballo. Allegro
  • Антонио Вивальди, Ercole su'l Termodonte
    • "Zeffiretti che sussurrate"
  • Антонио Вивальди, Violin Concerto in G minor RV 321
    • III. Allegro
  • Антонио Вивальди, Concerto for Strings and Basso continuo in G minor, RV 156
    • I. Allegro
    • II. Adagio
    • III. Allegro
  • Антонио Вивальди, Juditha triumphans devicta Holofernis barbarie, RV 644
    • II : "Armate face et Anguibus"
  • Антонио Вивальди, Violin Concerto in B flat major RV 366
    • II. Adagio
    • III. Allegro
  • Антонио Вивальди, «Гризельда», RV 718
    • "Vede orgogliosa l’onda"
  • Антонио Вивальди, Violin Concerto in B minor RV 387
    • II. Largo
  • Антонио Вивальди, «Верная нимфа»
    • "Alma oppressa da sorte crudele"


  • Режиссёр
    • Оливье Симонне
  • Место: Palace of Fontainebleau (Fontainebleau, Франция)
  • Год выхода: 2021
  • Продолжительность: 1 h 01 min
  • Компания: © Le Concert de la Loge - Le Château de Fontainebleau - Prismédia
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