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концерт Marin Alsop conducts Barber, Gershwin, and Rimsky-Korsakov — With Jean-Yves Thibaudet NYO-USA in São Paulo, Brazil

NYO-USA in São Paulo, Brazil

Marin Alsop conducts Barber, Gershwin, and Rimsky-Korsakov — With Jean-Yves Thibaudet NYO-USA in São Paulo, Brazil

В нескольких словах

In the summer of 2024, the National Youth Orchestra of the United States of America (NYO-USA) embarks on a South American tour with the great Marin Alsop, and it's our pleasure to bring you their concert from São Paulo, Brazil — where the maestra is no stranger, having led the São Paulo State Symphony Orchestra from 2012-19. She returns to the Sala São Paulo with the most talented young musicians from across the United States, leading them first in two great 20th-century American works — Samuel Barber's dramatic, lyrical Symphony No. 1, with a four-movement symphonic structure synthesized into one single movement; and Gershwin's ingeniously jazzy Rhapsody in Blue, performed with panache by the spectacular Jean-Yves Thibaudet — and then in a voyage across the high seas with Rimsky-Korsakov's beloved symphonic suite Scheherazade, full of instantly memorable melodies and infinite gradations of orchestral color.


  • Сэмюэл Барбер, Symphony in One Movement, Op. 9
  • Джордж Гершвин, Рапсодия в стиле блюз
  • Николай Римский-Корсаков, «Шехеразада», Op. 35
    • 1. Море и Синдбадов корабль
    • 2. Рассказ царевича Календера
    • 3. Царевич и царевна
    • 4. Праздник в Багдаде
  • Laura Karpman, Swing


  • Место: Зал Сан-Паулу (Сан-Паулу, Бразилия)
  • Дата трансляции: 17 августа 2024 г. 20:00
  • Год выхода: 2024
  • Запись доступна до 16 ноября 2024 г.
  • Продолжительность: 1 h 37 min
  • Компания: © Carnegie Hall
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