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концерт Martha Argerich, Iddo Bar-Shai, and the Chamber Orchestra of Europe perform Haydn and Saint-Saëns 2024 Herbstgold Festival: Esterházy Palace, Eisenstadt

2024 Herbstgold Festival: Esterházy Palace, Eisenstadt

Martha Argerich, Iddo Bar-Shai, and the Chamber Orchestra of Europe perform Haydn and Saint-Saëns 2024 Herbstgold Festival: Esterházy Palace, Eisenstadt

В нескольких словах

The legendary Martha Argerich headlines another unmissable concert from the Chamber Orchestra of Europe's yearly Herbstgold Festival at Esterházy Palace, joining her frequent collaborator Iddo Bar-Shai and daughter Annie Dutoit-Argerich for Saint-Saëns's perennial favorite, The Carnival of the Animals! The COE and their Associate Leader Marieke Blankestijn also round out the menagerie with Haydn's Symphony No. 82, known as "The Bear" for a recurrent motif that made 18th-century audiences think of a dancing bear, and conclude — fittingly, at the palace where the composer worked for much of his life — with another Haydn symphony: the rousing No. 100, whose fanfares for trumpet and percussion have earned it the moniker of "Military."

С участием


  • Йозеф Гайдн, Симфония № 82 до мажор, Hob. I: 82, «Медведь»
    • 1. Vivace assai
    • 2. Allegretto
    • 3. Menuetto
    • 4. Vivace
  • Камиль Сен-Санс, «Карнавал животных»
    • 1. Introduction and Royal March of the Lion
    • 2. Hens and Roosters
    • 3. Wild Asses
    • 4. Tortoises
    • 5. The Elephant
    • 6. Kangaroos
    • 7. Aquarium
    • 8. Characters with Long Ears
    • 9. The Cuckoo in the Depths of the Woods
    • 10. Aviary
    • 11. Pianists
    • 12. Fossils
    • 13. The Swan
    • 14. Finale
  • Йозеф Гайдн, Symphony No. 100 in G major, Hob. I:100 ("Military")
    • 1. Adagio / Allegro
    • 2. Allegretto
    • 3. Menuetto: Moderato
    • 4. Presto


  • Место: Дворец Эстерхази (Айзенштадт, Австрия)
  • Дата трансляции: 11 сентября 2024 г. 19:30
  • Год выхода: 2024
  • Запись доступна до 12 октября 2029 г.
  • Продолжительность: 1 h 34 min
  • Компания: © Chamber Orchestra of Europe / Esterházy Palace / medici.tv
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