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концерт Zubin Mehta conducts Mozart and Webern Münchner Philharmoniker

Münchner Philharmoniker

Zubin Mehta conducts Mozart and Webern Münchner Philharmoniker

В нескольких словах

The Munich Philharmonic Orchestra's divine concert opens with Anton Webern's Six Pieces for Orchestra, conducted by the formidable Zubin Mehta. This distinctive work reveals the delicate, refined style of the Austrian composer, who had been a pupil of Arnold Schoenberg. Next on the program is Mozart’s famous Symphony No. 40, a stark contrast to Webern’s poetic melodies. Bursting with drama and graceful harmonies, this classical masterpiece closes out the evening with a brilliant performance by the orchestra, under the baton of the legendary maestro.


  • Антон Веберн, Six orchestral pieces, Op. 6
    • 1. Etwas bewegt
    • 2. Bewegt
    • 3. Zart bewegt
    • 4. Langsam, marcia funebre
    • 5. Sehr langsam
    • 6. Zart bewegt
  • Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт, Симфония № 40 соль минор, K. 550
    • 1. Allegro molto
    • 2. Andante
    • 3. Menuetto: Allegretto – Trio
    • 4. Allegro assai


  • Режиссёр
    • Янош Дарваш
  • Место: Мюнхенская филармония Гаштайг (Мюнхен, Германия)
  • Год выхода: 1995
  • Продолжительность: 40 min
  • Компания: © Metropolitan
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