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док. фильм Андреас Шолль, контртенор

Андреас Шолль, контртенор

В нескольких словах

"There are more excellent countertenors today than ever before, but one of them stands out above all others: Andreas Scholl."

The film accompanies the internationally renowned countertenor Andreas Scholl to recitals in Dresden, Schwetzingen and his home town, Kiedrich. In interviews Andreas Scholl sheds light on his personal and artistic development. In bonus parts of the DVD Andreas Scholl sings John Dowland's "Lute Songs" and Dietrich Buxtehude's "Jubilate Domino."
Directly after the recital, Scholl and his co-performers discuss the works and their interpretation of them. "What is the point of a recital, an opera, what is the purpose of music, presented to an audience by performers, communicators? Of course, the purpose of music and art in general, is to enlighten and inspire the human spirit. It is about stimulating – and shaping – both our hearts and our minds." These and other questions Andreas Scholl wants to find out in this portrait.

С участием


  • Режиссёр
    • Али Аумюллер
  • Год выхода: 2002
  • Дата записи: 2002
  • Продолжительность: 41 min
  • Компания: © inpetto filmproduktion SFB/Arte
  • Доступная(-ые) версия(-и): EN
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