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док. фильм Jordi Savall, musician for peace A musical reflection on conflict

A musical reflection on conflict

Jordi Savall, musician for peace A musical reflection on conflict

В нескольких словах

Jordi Savall is a man of many talents: first-class instrumentalist; artistic director with multiple areas of expertise; musicologist; conductor; advocate... Particularly enamoured with the viol de gamba and the vast repertoire it inspired, he has recorded countless masterworks from the Renaissance and Baroque periods, in addition to exploring their links to the musical traditions that came before them in Europe, Africa, the Americas, the Middle East, and Asia. In this documentary-concert, director Bejamin Bleton explores the insatiable curiosity and musical intelligence that have allowed Jordi Savall to bring together the world's diverse musics and cultures and to craft his life-affirming message of peace—his "musical reflection on conflict." 

С участием


  • Режиссёр
    • Бенджамин Блетон – Карл Мор
  • Год выхода: 2014
  • Продолжительность: 55 min
  • Компания: © Karl More Productions / CIMA
  • Доступная(-ые) версия(-и): FR
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