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док. фильм Доброта незнакомцев Мир Андре Превин

Мир Андре Превин

Доброта незнакомцев Мир Андре Превин

В нескольких словах

André George Previn's simultaneous world careers as a director, composer and pianist are extremely thrilling and interesting, and they cannot be told in just a few words. The names of his teachers and the artists and orchestras with which he worked belong to the select few of their field in the classic scene.

Previn was born in 1929 in Berlin and emigrated to the United States in 1938 where his family settled in Hollywood. He was awarded the Oscar a total of four times. Along with his work as a director he has also composed orchestra and chamber music as well as two stage entertainments. He however doesn't consider himself as belonging to the musical avant-garde.

С участием


  • Режиссёр
    • Тони Палмер
  • Год выхода: 1998
  • Продолжительность: 1 h 29 min
  • Компания: © RM Arts 1998
  • Доступная(-ые) версия(-и): EN
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