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док. фильм Studio 30 July 27: Adèle Charvet, Tim Carroll, Jing Huan and members of the Guangzhou Symphony Youth Orchestra, Erick Sez and the Verbier technical team Day 14 of the 2023 Verbier Festival

Day 14 of the 2023 Verbier Festival

Studio 30 July 27: Adèle Charvet, Tim Carroll, Jing Huan and members of the Guangzhou Symphony Youth Orchestra, Erick Sez and the Verbier technical team Day 14 of the 2023 Verbier Festival

В нескольких словах

Relive highlights from medici.tv's Studio 30 broadcast on July 27, 2023, Day 14 of the 30th anniversary edition of the Verbier Festival—featuring interviews of Adèle Charvet, Tim Carroll, Jing Huan and members of the Guangzhou Symphony Youth Orchestra, plus Erick Sez and the Verbier technical team by our host Christian Thompson!

medici.tv’s Studio 30 features and broadcasts of the Verbier Festival's 30th anniversary edition are produced with the support of Madame Aline Foriel-Destezet.

Похожие события

Фестиваль Вербье

Фестиваль Вербье

С участием

  • Кристиан Томпсон | Ведущий


  • Место: medici.tv's Studio 30 (Verbier, Швейцария)
  • Год выхода: 2023
  • Продолжительность: 35 min
  • Компания: © JBP Films
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