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Джаз Living Colour & The Last Poets in Paris Festival Sons d'hiver 2010

Festival Sons d'hiver 2010

Living Colour & The Last Poets in Paris Festival Sons d'hiver 2010

В нескольких словах

During a concert recorded in Paris in 2010, The Last Poets offer a vibrant tribute to the Black Panthers, accompanied by original compositions by the group Living Colour. The evocative power of their texts is thus enriched by the musical atmosphere created by Living Colour—which has been mixing jazz, rock, funk, and metal since it was founded in the 1980s—in a unique experience that combines music and poetry, instrumental choruses and lyrical texts.

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С участием

  • Living Colour
  • Corey Glover | Singer
  • Vernon Reid | Гитарист
  • Doug Wimbish | Басс-гитарист
  • Will Cahoun | Барабанщик
  • Last Poets
  • Umar Bin Hassan | Rapper
  • Abiodun Oyewole | Rapper


  • David Murray, Trapped
  • David Murray, Letter to Huey
  • David Murray, Panther
  • David Murray, About the Children
  • David Murray, Trapped (Guitar Solo)
  • David Murray, Panther
  • David Murray, Africa
  • David Murray, Trapped (Vocal Chorus)
  • David Murray, For the People
  • David Murray, Africa
  • David Murray, Affirmation


  • Режиссёр
    • Doctor L
  • Место: Théâtre Jean-Vilar (Vitry-sur-Seine, Франция)
  • Год выхода: 2010
  • Продолжительность: 1 h 06 min
  • Компания: Mezzo tv/Barking Dogs Productions/3D Family/Sons d'hiver
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