Поль Мейер

Поль Мейер

  • 5 марта 1965 г. Mulhouse (France)


One of the world’s exceptional clarinettists, in the last few years Paul Meyer has also built up an extensive career as a conductor. He has conducted among others,the Seoul Philharmonic, Copenhagen Philharmonic, Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, Ensemble Orchestral de Paris, Orchestre Philharmonique de Nice, Orchestre Philharmonique de Strasbourg, Munich Chamber Orchestra, Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, English Chamber Orchestra, Scottish Chamber Orchestra, Geneva Chamber Orchestra, Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano G.Verdi, Orchestra di Padova e del Veneto, Sinfonia Varsovia, Belgrade Philharmonic, Bilbao Symphony and Taipei Symphony Orchestra. He toured France with the Prague Chamber Orchestra and Italy with the Archi Italiana. During the season 2004/05, he has conducted the Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France with Michel Portal as soloist, the Orchestre National d’Ile de France, the Orchestre Philharmonique de Nice, as well as the Scottish Chamber Orchestra, with Emmanuel Pahud as soloist, on tour in Scotland and Germany.

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Поль Мейер, все видео (6)

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