Adventurous, risk-taking and always stimulating, Riccardo Chailly has taken his modernist credentials and solid Italian musical grounding to the heart of the symphony orchestra tradition, most notably at the hallowed Concertgebouw and Leipzig Gewandhaus. An enthusiastic champion of 20th-century music from Zemlinsky to Berio, he did not hesitate to programme contemporary Italian music for his Concertgebouw début, and has recorded the complete works of the pioneering Varèse. He has also brought a freshness of thought to the symphonies of Mahler and Bruckner, and a powerful sense of musical conviction to Italian operas, including Puccini’s Tosca, and gave the first performance of the new completion by Berio of Turandot.
Читать далееФестиваль в Гранаде, дворец Карла V (Альгамбра)
Лейпцигский оркестр Гевандхауса
Лейпцигский оркестр Гевандхауза
Лейпцигский оркестр Гевандхауса
Лейпцигский оркестр Гевандхауза
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