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концерт Симфония № 2, «Энигма-вариации» Элгара, дирижирует сэр Георг Шолти Лондонский филармонический оркестр

Лондонский филармонический оркестр

Симфония № 2, «Энигма-вариации» Элгара, дирижирует сэр Георг Шолти Лондонский филармонический оркестр

В нескольких словах

In February 1972, Hungarian-born conductor Sir Georg Solti recorded Elgar's First Symphony with the London Philharmonic Orchestra for Decca Records. Although, at first glance, the musician's association with such a repertoire might seem unlikely, as noted by music critic Edward Greenfield in Gramophone magazine, Solti had in fact long wanted to conduct this work in concert. The disc's promotional texts emphasized Solti's connection with his own composer's recording of the First Symphony. Indeed, Greenfield had personally suggested the idea to the conductor: “I told him right away that he needed to hear the composer's recording, which so passionately develops the score's potential.” Solti's public acknowledgement that he relied on Elgar's recordings for his interpretations of the composer's music was significant, as it helped to justify the practice, which was commonplace at a time when it was often denied. In the words of Lady Solti, the conductor's widow, to a journalist, “what he did when he was approaching a new work, for example with Elgar, was to listen to the composer conducting [...] and that was very important to him, because he could hear the real tempo: sometimes the tempo on the score is altered, so that process was very important to my husband.”

Читать далее


  • Эдуард Элгар, Симфония № 2 ми-бемоль мажор, Op. 63
    • 1. Allegro vivace e nobilmente
    • 2. Larghetto
    • 3. Rondo
    • 4. Moderato e maestoso
  • Эдуард Элгар, Энигма-вариации, Op. 36
    • Theme (Andante)
    • Variation I (L'istesso tempo) "C.A.E."
    • Variation II (Allegro) "H.D.S.-P."
    • Variation III (Allegretto) "R.B.T."
    • Variation IV (Allegro di molto) "W.M.B."
    • Variation V (Moderato) "R.P.A."
    • Variation VI (Andantino) "Ysobel"
    • Variation VII (Presto) "Troyte"
    • Variation VIII (Allegretto) "W.N."
    • Variation IX (Adagio) "Nimrod"
    • Variation X (Intermezzo: Allegretto) "Dorabella"
    • Variation XI (Allegro di molto) "G.R.S."
    • Variation XII (Andante) "B.G.N."
    • Variation XIII (Romanza: Moderato) "* * *"
    • Variation XIV (Finale: Allegro Presto) "E.D.U."


  • Место: Королевский фестивальный зал (Лондон, Великобритания)
  • Год выхода: 2011
  • Дата записи: 1975, 1979
  • Продолжительность: 31 min
  • Компания: © 2011 International Classical Artists Ltd
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