Парижская филармония (О Филармонии)

О Филармонии

From the 1990s to the present days

The Philharmonie de Paris encompasses a new building designed by Jean Nouvel (called Philharmonie) and the current Cité de la musique, created by Christian de Portzamparc. With its numerous spaces, resident ensembles and innovative artistic mission, it is a cultural centre that is truly unique in the world, bringing music awareness and learning to a diverse public.

Philharmonie de Paris

With the Philharmonie, Jean Nouvel offers innovative architecture which blends into the Parc de la Villette, on the edge of Paris and in the heart of a speedily evolving metropolis. The Philharmonie brings to life an ancient dream: the initial Cité de la Musique project included a large auditorium, intended to complete the round out the proposed music rooms and amphitheatre.

The Philharmonie also responds to the issues of our time, offering resident or invited orchestras the optimal working conditions that aren’t found elsewhere in the capital, and offering a number of spaces able to host pedagogic activities intended to open music’s doors to the most people possible.

The Grande salle Pierre Boulez

The Grande salle Pierre Boulez (Symphonic Hall) boasts innovations in architecture, stage design and acoustical engineering. Thanks to a modular design, its capacity increases from 2400 people in the symphonic configuration to 3600 when the parterre is converted into a standing room area.

Cité de la musique

Inaugurated in 1995, the Cité de la musique building was conceived by the architect Christian de Portzamparc. He wanted it in the form of a "dreamlike town", a space inviting movement, open to Greater Paris, a meeting place. Since its creation, medici.tv has broadcast over 30 live concerts from there, and is still one of the hall's partners...