Klaus Mäkelä
conductor, cellist

Klaus Mäkelä

  • January 17, 1996 Helsinki


Klaus Mäkelä has held the position of Chief Conductor of the Oslo Philharmonic since 2020 and Music Director of Orchestre de Paris since 2021. As Artistic Partner to the Concertgebouworkest since 2022 he will assume the title of Chief Conductor in 2027. An exclusive Decca Classics Artist, he has recorded the complete Sibelius Symphony cycle with the Oslo Philharmonic and Stravinsky’s Firebird and The Rite of Spring with Orchestre de Paris.

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All videos related to Klaus Mäkelä (17)

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Klaus Mäkelä's Carnegie Hall debut: Stravinsky's Firebird and Rite of Spring
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Klaus Mäkelä conducts and performs Brahms — With Daniel Lozakovich
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Klaus Mäkelä conducts Bach and Mahler — With David Fray
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musicmakers: Klaus Mäkelä, conductor
musicmakers: Klaus Mäkelä, conductor

An exclusive video podcast hosted by James Jolly

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Klaus Mäkelä conducts Sibelius and Tchaikovsky
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Klaus Mäkelä, Towards the Flame by Bruno Monsaingeon
Klaus Mäkelä, Towards the Flame by Bruno Monsaingeon

Enhanced with exclusive, never-before-seen comm...

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Klaus Mäkelä conducts Saariaho, Strauss, Dusapin, and Scriabin
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Klaus Mäkelä conducts Betsy Jolas and Mahler
Klaus Mäkelä conducts Betsy Jolas and Mahler

A world premiere by the Orchestre de Paris

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Klaus Mäkelä conducts Brahms — With Daniel Lozakovich
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Klaus Mäkelä conducts Schumann's Symphony No. 2
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Klaus Mäkelä conducts Ravel and Beethoven
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Classic Klaus
Classic Klaus

Klaus Mäkelä at the 2021 Verbier Festival

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Klaus Mäkelä
Klaus Mäkelä

The conductor and cellist shares Verbier memories