Маурицио Поллини

Маурицио Поллини

  • 5 января 1942 г. Milan (Italy) - 23 марта 2024 г.


Born in 1942 in Milan (Italy), Maurizio Pollini gave his first piano concert aged ten. He was a pupil of Carlo Lonati and Carlo Vidusso, at the Milan Conservatory. The Italian pianist was only 15 when he received second prize at the International Performance Competition of music in Geneva (being second only to Martha Argerich). In 1960, he won awards at the prestigious International Chopin Competition in Warsaw, declared winner of the competition by none other than Arthur Rubinstein. Pollini received regular invitations from the greatest concert halls in Europe, America, and Japan, and emerged as one of the best classical music pianists of the century.  

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Маурицио Поллини, все видео (4)

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